Greetings and Welcome!


Hello and thank you for visiting.  My name is Nathan D. Bryant, and it has been my great pleasure to have served as both a teacher and educational leader around the world for over 15 years.  Within this portfolio, you can find my educational philosophy, my educational background, experience of both teaching and leadership as well as my educator’s blog.  If you have questions or want to chat more, feel free to contact me.  All the best!

Check Here For Leadership Highlights

Served as a Dean of Students, a leading member of 2 school accreditation cycles, Dept. Chair, CAS/EE Coordinator and MUN Director.

Check Here For Education Highlights

Taught AP, IB MYP/DP curriculum's in courses such as Business, Economics, Psychology, Philosophy, History and Geography.

Check Here For Other Highlights

Experience in Data Collection/Analysis, UBD, PBL, ELL, Character Development as well as Adjunct Professor in Economics with Syracuse University.

Check Here For Educational Philosophy

For an educator to make a difference, he or she must first have a clear vision of what unrealized potential exists.  Once this vision is clear, turning this potential into reality is the true calling of education.  My own educational philosophy not only provides me with guidance for my daily actions and decisions within school, it also sets a course for my personal growth.
Read Full Philosophy Here
School Locations
Taught Subjects
Students Taught
Leadership Roles
School Locations
Taught Subjects
Students Taught
Leadership Roles

Background and Experience

Within my 15 years of service in education, I have been fortunate to not only teach a variety of classes and levels, but I have also been asked to assume a number of leadership roles.  I am always grateful for an opportunity to be of further support for students and colleagues, as well as continue my own learning and growth.

Student and Staff Comments about My Work (click on images to enlarge and read):

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